Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Students have been back for a month now, and things are really hopping in the classrooms at my schools. One great thing that I have seen is the SMART Table being returned to use. Especially now that the software has been upgraded to allow teachers to do so much more when creating lessons such as including SMART Notebook lessons in a SMART Table activity pack and the ability to add audio easily to images.

If you have never seen a SMART Table in use, it is an interactive table that allows up to 8 children to touch and manipulate the objects within the activity pack at the same time. It allows students to work collaboratively to solve problems.

For those of you who have a SMART Table, I recommend you join the SMART Table Users Group at http://exchange-forum.smarttech.com/forums/447.aspx?lang=en-US. The groups offers webinars on activity pack creation and has lots of tips for using the Table.

Also, don't forget the SMART Exchange. They now have over 900 activity packs ready for you to download to the bracelet that are ready to use right away with your students. Enjoy.