Building your PLN | Edublogs Teacher Challenges
"This series guides you step by step through the process of building your PLN."
Repository of lessons from all subject areas and all grade levels
The musings of an instructional technology facilitator hoping to help teachers use technology seamlessly in their lessons. The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent GCS’ positions, strategies or opinions.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Diigo Weekly Bookmarks (weekly)
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Diigo Weekly Bookmarks (weekly)
The SAMR Model Explained By Students - YouTube
tags: technology integration samr
Google Sheets Just Got Some Major Updates | The Gooru
Google Sheets just got a major update yesterday. Adding new functionality to nearly every aspect of Sheets from chart creation to data display, and even collaboration. We break down the main things you need to know about this update so you can start…
Responsive Literacy: Crying While Close Reading
What close reading really looks like....
Responsive Literacy: Our Inner Dorothy
"Have you ever felt like you couldn't do something, and then somehow, someway, you actually did it? Was it almost like you magically clicked your heals, and it was within your power?"
9 Things Every Teacher Should Do Over Summer Break - Brilliant or Insane
"Summer break is not just for teacher vacations. Sure, you need to unwind and recharge your batteries, but working to hone your craft is also good medicine for making the next school year your best one yet."
tags: PLN growth PD professional learning
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Diigo Weekly Bookmarks (weekly)
5 Outside of the Box Assessments Ideas |
As another school year comes to a close, many of us are designing our end of the year assessments or knee deep grading them. For those still in the planning stages of their end of the year assessments, I want to encourage you to think outside of the…
Share Individual Tabs In Google Sheets | The Gooru
I have received a number of emails asking me how to share a single tab of a Google Sheet without sharing the rest of it. As simple as it sounds, Google does not have a direct way to do this. That does not mean it is not possible to do, you just need…
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Diigo Weekly Bookmarks (weekly)
To put tech into any lesson, start with the lesson | eSchool News | eSchool News
"How to use devices and apps to support specific learning objectives"
Internet Field Trip: Simple Machines | Resources | TeacherShare
"In this lesson, students gain knowledge about simple machines through an Internet Web quest that will apply to all three lessons in the unit. Students will work with a partner to complete the data gathering and written activities."
Awesome possibilities in place of lectures in the classroom.
Let's Build an App Together – A.J. Juliani
Author in process of creating a PD app for teachers.