- 11/20/2015
Group Maker: Automatically Make Groups with Google Sheets | Teacher Tech
Kelly Fitzgerald ~ EdTech Nut: 15 Integration Ideas for Teaching with Maps
Learn map skills 21st century style
Kelly Fitzgerald ~ EdTech Nut: 20 Integration Ideas for Math Problem Solving
No more worksheets. Math ideas using technology.
Kelly Fitzgerald ~ EdTech Nut: 16 Edtech Integration Ideas for the Science Class
Digital ideas for student devices before/during/after science experiements
Kelly Fitzgerald ~ EdTech Nut: 18 EdTech Integration Ideas for the Language Arts Classroom
Writing ideas using digital resources
Maker Education - About Maker Education
Resources for maker spaces and beyond.
The musings of an instructional technology facilitator hoping to help teachers use technology seamlessly in their lessons. The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent GCS’ positions, strategies or opinions.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Check out these cool links! (weekly)
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Check out these cool links! (weekly)
15 Things Every Newbie Needs to Know About Starting a Business
Starting a business is exciting -- and scary. I've started more businesses than I'd care to admit. In my experience, it's a bit like driving through a heavy fog where you are only able to see a few feet in front of the windshield -- you don't know w…
How the Five "Love Languages" Can Help You Win at Relationships
Ever had an argument with your partner and wished they could just read your mind? If they only knew how you were feeling, they’d stop putting up a fight. That’s sort of the idea behind the concept of love languages: they let you in on what makes you…
Google Drawings interactive posters (no glue sticks necessary!) | Ditch That Textbook
Google Drawing instead of using Thinglink? It's possible!
iPad Mania: 20 ideas for sparking interest in class with iPads | Ditch That Textbook
"leverage iPad's potential"
tags: ipad apps appsmash apptivities
10 + 1 Picture Books to Teach Inference – Blogging Through the Fourth Dimension
"And so we infer, yes, but we also start to trust ourselves and our opinions, build confidence in our intuition and get more astute in our observations. And picture books are about one of the best ways we can teach it in our classrooms."
tags: readers_workshop reading-workshop readingstrategies picture books inference
Great Picture Books to Use for Aha Moments – Blogging Through the Fourth Dimension
tags: readers_workshop reading-workshop readingstrategies picture books
Great Picture Books to Use for Contrast & Contradictions – Blogging Through the Fourth Dimension
tags: readers_workshop reading-workshop readingstrategies picture books
Great Picture Books to Teach Tough Questions – Blogging Through the Fourth Dimension
Title says it all.
tags: questioning readers_workshop reading-workshop readingstrategies picture books
Great Picture Books to Teach Theme – Blogging Through the Fourth Dimension
"theme is one of those things that is present in so many great picture books,"
tags: theme readers_workshop reading-workshop readingstrategies
OMG! Chrome! - Chrome, Chromebook and Chromecast News, Apps and More
All things Chrome.
tags: web2.0 chrome Chromebook google
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Check out these cool links! (weekly)
Google Classroom – Grade the Folder | Teacher Tech
"Having a system for noting grading status would be very helpful. I created a script to give me a list of the student documents in the Google Classroom assignment folder in Google Drive."
"website where you can find lots of amazing and creative free online tools and web applications ready to use on your class blogs"
Tech Stop With Mrs. Brewis : Getting Creative with the Doink Green Screen App
Going beyond simple with DoInk Green Screen App
tags: greenscreen iPad appsmash
Clients - Meraki Dashboard - Pinnacle 20
Conference Presentations - Ed Tech Inspirations
Conference presentations with technology use in Primary grades