I am going to take creative liberty with today's blog challenge by sharing some online sites to access electronic books...
The first one I learned about from one of our Pinnacle leading Media Specialist. It is called MackinVia. The site is an eResouce Management system that provides access to eBooks and educational databases. One of my schools signed up for the free account and teachers now have access to 37 free books. It allows you to filter your books according to AR level or even Fountas and Pinnell. You can also create groups such as a classroom group where you save titles for those students. The system works across all platforms. Check it out.

Tumblebooks provide non-fiction as well as fiction text for students. They have created this ebooks, by taking existing books and adding multimedia pieces that becomes a book that you can read or have read to you. Tumblebooks include videos and games as well.
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