Stages of Being a Maker Learner #making #makered #makerspace
— JackieGerstein Ed.D. (@jackiegerstein) July 28, 2015
via Twitter
July 28, 2015 at 07:18PM
The musings of an instructional technology facilitator hoping to help teachers use technology seamlessly in their lessons. The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent GCS’ positions, strategies or opinions.
Stages of Being a Maker Learner #making #makered #makerspace
— JackieGerstein Ed.D. (@jackiegerstein) July 28, 2015
Larry the Lego Man Travels the World via @SkypeClassroom #gcsk12 #nccatgenz @tthomassen @smarkwith @jmammano #nccat
— Lisa (@lmontgo) July 28, 2015
How to use Sphero the Robot for incredible STEM lessons #edtech @tthomassen
— Sean Markwith (@smarkwith) July 25, 2015
English news and easy articles for students of English
Leveled reading
Favorite Chrome Apps and Extensions - Shake Up Learning
Check out these extensions for your Google Chrome Browser.
tags: chrome extensions extension gafe apps chrome_extension
Animaps - Create and view beautifully informative animated maps, for free!
"Animaps extends the My Maps feature of Google Maps by letting you create maps with markers that move, images and text that pop up on cue, and lines and shapes that change over time"
tags: maps social_studies Google web2.0
Science units with lessons, animations, quizzes, and more.
What is an EdCafe? | EdCafe in the Classroom
"An EdCafe is a way to structure class that promotes student choice and ownership over learning. The model was inspired by EdCamps, where participants build the schedule and choose what sessions to attend."
tags: edcafe student-centered Pinnacle technology integration
*Storytelling for the YouTube Generation by Steve Dembo on Prezi
Steve Dembo's presentation for storytelling.
Google Classroom: Creating a Discussion Board | Teacher Tech
"use Google Sheets for a threaded discussion and use it in Google Classroom"
Create a Collaborative Student Project | Cool Tools for 21st Century Learners
Thinglink idea for a collaborative project.
tags: collaborative project resources technology integration web2.0
Create a Collaborative Student Project | Cool Tools for 21st Century Learners
ThingLink Teacher Challenge Week 3 In this week’s Teacher Challenge we will be using ThingLink EDU to introduce a student driven learning activity. via flipboard
Finding Your Story | iTeach with iPads
Well, I’ve been a little busy since my last post. Summer is almost over and I’ve been busily plugging away at my doctoral classes and have recently returned from the Apple Distinguished Educator Institute in Miami. via flipboard
Elementary Math Games & Problems | CK12
Math activities by strand for grades 1 - 5.
What a week......Pinnacle 19 Rules!
— Kimberly Dalton (@KimberlyDalton1) July 23, 2015
Free Technology for Teachers: Measure Yourself - Comparing the Feet of Animals
Measure Yourself is a fun, educational activity featured on the Lawrence Hall of Science website. Measure Yourself asks students to measure the size of their ears, feet, and overall height in centimeters. via flipboard
Free Technology for Teachers: How to Prevent Downloading of Shared Google Docs
One of the best aspects of Google Drive is ability to quickly share documents and presentations with a large group of people. Sometimes when you share your documents or presentations you only want people to view those files, not edit or download the…
"fantastic apps and extensions to support struggling readers"
tags: readers english learners ELA ELL chromebooks chrome extensions
"A collection of sites that are simply fun or unique."
tags: technology fun
See how real people turn to mobile in #MicroMoments of need:
— Think with Google (@ThinkwithGoogle) July 14, 2015
"To get your peers from here to there, they must first know just how much you care." #DENSI2015
— Discovery Education (@DiscoveryEd) July 17, 2015
I am in love... @ExitTicket is the real deal for formative assessments! #edtech #edapp #education #chromebookedu
— jason mammano (@jmammano) July 16, 2015
School Improvement Will Not Happen If This Is Your Answer To Every Question. #BLC15
— Steven Weber (@curriculumblog) July 16, 2015
#DENSI2015 @davidfisher65 why not submit information in an animation rather than a keynote Powtoon also has a presentation tool
— Cathy Houchin (@Cathy_Houchin) July 15, 2015
@imcguy "Twitter changed everything"... I so agree! What a wonderful tool for PLN development and learning. #DENSI2015 @DiscoveryEd
— Alexander MacDougall (@aemacdougall) July 15, 2015
Frm @kti_traci Great examples, tech integration w/out tech.Cutout captions for images.Also faux tweets! #DENSI2015
— HallDavidson (@HallDavidson) July 15, 2015
.@tthomassen Bonus - We’re also available on Web, Android, and Desktop :) #DENSI2015 #gcsk12
— Kodable (@kodable) July 14, 2015
"If anything burns me it's "Our kids can't do that!'" @kellyhines #gcsk12 #DENSI2015 @jmammano @smarkwith @Goodson #NotAtDENSI @tthomassen
— Lisa (@lmontgo) July 14, 2015
Be found. Share your story. Make your movement look desirable, then make it look inevitable. #DENSI2015 @kellyhines
— Erin H Downey (@ehdowney) July 14, 2015
If the PBL rubric isn't mostly about content, it is a bad rubric @yoyosciteach #DENSI2015 #gcsk12 @tthomassen
— Lisa (@lmontgo) July 14, 2015
Some of our teacher-leaders!
— GastonCountySchools (@GastonSchools) July 14, 2015
Fakebook SOS strategies template is now on Board Builder and they are now editable #DENSI2015 @jdemian
— Stacey Buckalew (@divatechie12) July 14, 2015
We got to witness the power of community last night at #DENSI2015 . It amazing what we can do together! #gcsk12 @tthomassen
— Lisa (@lmontgo) July 13, 2015
#DENSI2015 #gcsk12 Thanks for the inspiration, @tracedominguez @tthomassen @smarkwith @jmammano @aundreajenkins
— Lisa (@lmontgo) July 13, 2015
@lrougeux talks about importance of family. A huge support network! @DiscoveryEdUk @Discovery Welcome to the Family "Newbies" #DENSI2015
— Hugh McDonald (@hughtheteacher) July 12, 2015
"project-based resources targeted to PreK-16 students learning STEM, Robotics, 3D Printing, Drone Technology, Alternative Energy, Rocketry and beyond."
tags: STEM science technology integration math engineering STEAM
Extending Readers Theatre: A Powerful and Purposeful Match with Podcasting | Reading Rockets
" Podcasting made the students aware of a wider audience, which enhanced the authenticity and social nature of the strategy, and made their performances permanent so they could be stored and conveniently retrieved for later listening and evaluation."
tags: reading readers theatre Readers Theater literacy technology integration
Download Readers Theater scripts for your classroom. Use to create audio recordings, then eventually move to podcasting.
tags: reading readers theatre Readers Theater literacy technology integration information_literacy
tags: technology integration information_literacy web_evaluation
Save The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus
tags: technology integration information_literacy web_evaluation
Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division - dihydrogen monoxide info
"The controversy surrounding dihydrogen monoxide has never been more widely debated, and the goal of this site is to provide an unbiased data clearinghouse and a forum for public discussion"
tags: technology integration information_literacy web_evaluation - The freshest, purest dehydrated water on Earth.
tags: technology integration information_literacy web_evaluation
Petrol Direct -
"Welcome to Petrol Direct - the UK's leading supplier of all varieties of petrol, diesel and even biofuels delivered direct! We save you money by sourcing all our fuels from other countries in the EU that have a much lower tax rate than the UK."
tags: technology integration information_literacy web_evaluation
"It is the Foundation's primary objective to continue to build a body of scientific evidence that will shed light on the egg-and-chicken controversy, that most basic of conundrums."
tags: technology integration information_literacy web_evaluation
Try to love someone you don't like and THAT is a true test of your character. #DENSI2015
— yurkwi (@yurkwi) July 11, 2015
A mission will be possible, or impossible, based on the character of you and those on your team. - David Fisher at #DENSI2015 @DiscoveryEd
— Alexander MacDougall (@aemacdougall) July 11, 2015
Look #gcsp20 you're featured in the Gazette! #gcsk12
— Aundrea Jenkins (@aundreajenkins) July 3, 2015
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Image from Sue Waters |
The refrigerator at home can no longer be the only place we showcase student work... #edchat
— Dr. Justin Tarte (@justintarte) July 3, 2015
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Flickr: Pierre Lecourt |