Monday, April 23, 2012

ASCD Conference & Brain Research

Okay, pinch me. I can't believe I had the opportunity to go to a session conducted by Eric Jensen, Brain- based Research Guru. I was so excited and Mr. Jensen did not disappoint. his presentation was called Secrets to Teaching with Poverty in Mind and I highly recommend it if you ever get a chance to hear him.

I like to take lots of notes so I can go back later and process everything. Of course, during his presentation, he kept incorporating brain based activities which meant we were moving every ten minutes. Note taking was a challenge! But somehow I was able to get some information down so I can now share with you guys.

Start everyday in your classroom with G-N-L.  Have students share what they are Grateful for, New Learning, and what they are Looking forward to (what will be a joy?). Change this up by having students share with partners, in small groups, as a writing assignment, etc. Makes a positive change in the brain emotionally.

Brain can change for the better (or for worse) and educators can help with the change. Stress (distress) causes the brain to shut down and actually shrinks brain cells. Once stressed, it can take from thirty to ninety minutes for the brain to calm down enough so learning can take place. Educators can help students deal with stress by appropriately giving them increasing control over their lives at school and teaching them coping behaviors.

Help the brain change for the better by helping students build their applied skills, providing opportunities for activity, and attitude shifting. Check out his book on the subject for specifics for school and classroom level success factors.

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