Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I saw a cartoon posted in one of my schools recently. It shows a desk piled high of work and a person kind of buried in the middle of the paperwork. The caption reads, "I am not overwhelmed...I am in demand!"

As an Instructional Technology Facilitator for eight schools, I too am "in demand." Our county has a lot going on right now...common core rollout, beginning of year assessments, Gmail rollout, SMART Board training, technology integration, reading workshop, and on and on. You can walk through the elementary halls and feel the tension as teachers are redoing everything. You hear veteran teachers exclaim,"I feel like a first year teacher!"

When I start to feel overwhelmed, there are some things that I do that help me put everything back into perspective.
  • First, I think about all the blessings that I have. 
  • I exercise. Right now that means getting up an hour before I would have to, but the benefits have helped me deal with the stress.
  • I try my best to surround myself with positive people. Negativity pulls me down so quickly and so fast, I prefer to try to look for the positive. 
  • I take deep breaths. The other day, right in the middle of a Gmail training, I had to stop and take a deep breath. That calmed me and the participants as well. They took note of their actions while I was taking that breath!
  • When I go home at the end of the day, I welcome my fur babies into my lap and spend a few minutes loving on them and allowing them to love on me. It is amazing how much calmer I am while I am petting my dogs.
  • Finally, I take a break. I just returned from a twelve day vacation. I feel rejuvenated and ready to tackle things again.
We are all faced with seasons of stress or being in "demand" at some point in our lives. We can allow it to make us physically sick or we can find ways to cope. How do you cope? Please share your ideas as well. 


  1. Great strategy suggestions for de-stressing! I would like to add calming music..whether it is a classical sound in my classroom while students are working together, or in my kitchen trying to pull dinner together for a hungry family, music sets the tone for serenity..it soothes my soul. :)

  2. True! Thanks for sharing that idea!
